

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是: The purpose of this document is to convey 韦德体育app官网’s (University) policy on data 标准 and its employees’ responsibilities regarding data 标准 related to 横幅 and in conjunction with OU美联社&p# 860信息安全 及大学的私隐声明 www.奥克兰.edu/policies-regulations/web-privacy. The Ellucian 横幅 (横幅) Enterprise Resource Planning Information System adopted by the University in 1997 requires an interdependence that integrates the various functions of administrative management and requires that data entry 标准 be followed very closely by all who enter and use the data and information. 查看 标准详细内容.

服务水平, 资料及资讯保安, 法律责任都是这项政策所关注的极其重要的问题. 学生和雇员税务识别号码或社会安全号码的输入和使用, 还有个人记录里的姓名和地址, 这一政策的主要关注点是什么.

政策: All employees using and/or overseeing users of the Ellucian 横幅 system are responsible for the protection and integrity of data and information being entered into 横幅.  以下程序定义了横幅共享数据委员会的角色和责任, 监事, 管理人员和个人之间的完整性数据共享横幅模块, 还有培训, 标准, 和数据控制,以确保数据的最高质量.

适用范围及适用性: 本政策适用于所有有权访问横幅数据的大学人员及其主管.


旗帜运营委员会: 横幅运营委员会的成员由管理人员组成, 主管和其他直接负责横幅系统运行的决策者.

横幅共享数据委员会: 横幅共享数据委员会的成员由管理人员组成, 董事, 负责数据输入和维护共享数据元素的主管和其他决策者.

共享数据: 共享数据是可以在多个位置输入和维护的横幅数据元素, 部门及分部. 这些元素包括General Person数据, 供应商数据, 组织数据, 公司数据和其他类似元素. 共享数据的示例包括姓名、身份证号、地址、电话号码等. 共享数据也可以以文件和文档的形式存在于横幅文档管理模块中.



1.  It is the responsibility of 监事 and managers to assure that all Employees responsible for entering data and information into the 横幅 system be properly trained to do this work. 横幅共享数据委员会 highly recommends that all employees review training materials and take the 横幅 Data Entry Standards exam on a yearly basis. 培训包括, 但不限于, 旗帜导航培训, 对员工将使用的特定横幅模块进行培训, 对这项政策进行彻底的审查. 如果没有这些科目的正式培训活动, then the supervisor or manager must provide the training to the Employee by some other means before the Employee can start the work of entering data or information into the 横幅 system. It is required that all employees whose job responsibilities include maintaining shared data as defined in the Data Entry Standards, 每年复习手册并参加《韦德体育官方网站》考试. 未能完成培训可能会导致对适用横幅访问权限的撤销.  

2.  It is the responsibility of 监事 and managers to assure that this policy and standard is continually met by all responsible staff throughout their Departments. Supervisors and managers who are made aware of breaches of these 标准 must respond quickly to correct any such problems. The supervisor or manager is responsible for the controls and processes used by their Employees to enter data into the system; the accuracy of the data entered; and adherence to this policy and the data entry 标准.

3.  横幅共享数据委员会, 与人力资源部门合作, 开发培训和测试材料和文件, 以及进入横幅的数据标准. The Committee will promote the use of any and all 横幅 processes as appropriate to allow for the highest data integrity of Shared Data elements as possible. 横幅共享数据委员会将根据特定的委员会收费来解决问题. 当主管或经理没有及时采取纠正措施时, the issue should be introduced by the 横幅 Shared Data Committee to 横幅运作委员会 and discussed in 横幅运作委员会 so that the community of people who are primarily responsible for the University’s data and information can have a full understanding of the issue. The 横幅 Operating Committee will decide a course of corrective action and the responsible Department supervisor or manager is expected to follow the plan created by 横幅运作委员会.

4.  如果问题继续存在并且没有得到部门的解决, 横幅运作委员会, 如有需要,人力资源部的代表也可以, 可以再讨论一下这个问题吗. Their recommended plan of corrective action and a history of the problem will then be sent to the responsible Division Vice President with a request for the plan to be implemented.

5.  作为最后一步, 横幅运作委员会 can send its report and request to the president of the University asking that the corrective action be taken and describing previous actions and requests.


1.  个人横幅用户有责任妥善保管, 他们输入横幅系统的数据和信息的质量和准确性. They must study and fully understand these 标准 and they must work as responsible members of the University information and data entry community.

2.  当员工意识到问题时, the Employee must take immediate corrective action to eliminate the problem and to correct inaccuracies created by their actions. 

3.  如果在员工的工作中发现并确定了问题, 注意到问题的个人应将问题报告给自己的主管, 然后谁应该与原员工的主管或经理讨论这个问题.

4.  The appropriate supervisor or manager is to then discuss the problem with the Employee and define the steps necessary to correct the problem and the affected data and information, 记录讨论和预期行动.  要给这一行动一个最后期限.

5.  如果员工没有及时和紧急地纠正问题, 在采取任何纪律行动之前,主管应与人力资源部协商. Refer to the respective collective bargaining agreements or the Administrative Professional Personnel Procedures Manual for appropriate steps of the disciplinary process.


1.  All data entry should include a follow up check to assure that the data entered are correct and comply with these 标准.

2.  Name searches to avoid duplicated records are absolutely essential for the entry of any new name into the 横幅 system.

3.  Data uploads into the 横幅 system and batch 横幅 process runs must be accompanied by appropriate checks or edits to assure accuracy and compliance with these 标准.  Verification of data load accuracy and batch process accuracy should be thoroughly tested prior to use in a production environment. 数据验证应该在生产运行后进行.  The supervisor or manager of the area doing the upload is responsible for verification of data load and batch process accuracy and auditing of results.

4.  当财务数据输入横幅, 应进行适当的控制总账检查,以确保所输入财务数据的准确性.

5.  Data entry procedures and processes must be verified by the supervisor or manager of an operation after every 横幅 release. 培训可能需要为所有工作人员准备一个新的横幅发布. 在授予横幅用户对其中一个*IDEN表单的修改访问权限之前, 他们将被要求参加并通过横幅数据输入标准考试.  横幅共享数据委员会 highly recommends that all employees review training materials and take the 横幅 Data Entry Standards exam on a yearly basis.

6.  It must be recognized that many others within the University use data entered into 横幅 and each Employee must be a constructive member of that community. 该小组内部的协调和沟通对于确保工作的准确性和及时性至关重要, 而且不需要重新输入, 修改或技术修正.  仔细的数据输入通常可以节省大量的时间,并减少纠正措施的需要.



OU美联社&p# 860信息安全


